Sunday, May 4, 2014

How your phone is revealing your location, regardless of privacy settings

Sensors in smartphones collect data which can be used to identify you and pinpoint your location, regardless of your privacy settings, study finds

Data gathered by smartphone sensors can be used to identify you, pinpoint your location and monitor your phone, irrespective of your privacy settings, new research has found.
Accelerometers, sensors used to track movement of smartphones, are used in countless apps, including pedometers, playing games and monitoring sleep. Research from the University of Illinois' Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering found that minuscule imperfections during the manufacturing process create a unique 'fingerprint' on the generated data.
The gathered data can be used to identify you as it is sent to the cloud for processing, bypassing privacy settings concerning the withholding of location data and with no need to discern your phone number or SIM card number, leaving you potentially vulnerable to cyber attack.
“Just by looking at the data, we can tell you which device it’s coming from. It’s almost like another identifier," said graduate student Nirupam Roy, who worked on the project. “Even if you erase the app in the phone, or even erase and reinstall all software, the fingerprint still stays inherent. That’s a serious threat.”
There are no regulations mandating consent regarding data generated by accelerometers, and the research team believe other sensors in the phone, including cameras, microphones and gyroscopes, could process the same kind of information.Deliberately injecting white noise in the sensor data can smudge the fingerprint, but such noise can also affect the operation of the application, making your pedometer inaccurate and functionally useless.
The researchers tested more than 100 devices over the course of nine months: 80 standalone accelerometer chips used in popular smartphones, 25 Android phones, and two tablets.
“Imagine that your right hand fingerprint, by some chance, matches with mine,” Associate Professor Romit Roy Choudhury said. “But your left-hand fingerprint also matching with mine is extremely unlikely. So even if accelerometers don’t have unique fingerprints across millions of devices, we believe that by combining with other sensors such as the gyroscope, it might still be possible to track a particular device over time and space.”
Graduate student Sanorita Dey said you can best protect yourself and your device by not sharing your accelerometer data without thinking about how legitimate or how secure that application is.
“Even if it’s using only the sensor data, still it can attack you in some way," she said. "The consumer should be aware.”
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