Monday, May 5, 2014

California girl tells bullies she served them 'semen-filled' cupcakes

BAKERSFIELD, Calif., May 5 (UPI) -- A tenth-grade California girl allegedly passed out cupcakes to bullies at her school which she said contained “bodily fluids.”
As it turns out, the cupcakes were made with mayonnaise, barbecue sauce and soy sauce.
Either way, students in the girl’s French class were left with a bad taste in their mouths during a food day event last week.

Before the Bakersfield Police Department announced that the cupcakes weren’t laced with anything other than condiments, it was believed they may have contained “pubic hair, semen and expired food and pills.”
Officials at Centennial High School have now instituted a policy at the school banning outside food.
No arrests have been made and an investigation into the incident is ongoing.

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